Class::MixinFactory::ReadMe - About the Mixin Class Factory

      package MyClass;
      use Class::MixinFactory -hasafactory;
      sub new { ... }
      sub foo { return "Foo Bar" }

      package MyClass::Logging;
      sub foo { warn "Calling foo"; (shift)->NEXT('foo', @_) }

      package MyClass::UpperCase;
      sub foo { uc( (shift)->NEXT('foo', @_) ) }

      package main;

      my $class = MyClass->class( 'Logging', 'UpperCase' );

      print $class->new()->foo(); 
      # Calls MyClass::Logging::foo, MyClass::UpperCase::foo, MyClass::foo

    This distribution facilitates the run-time generation of classes which
    inherit from a base class and some optional selection of mixin classes.

    A factory is provided to generate the mixed classes with multiple
    inheritance. A NEXT method allows method redispatch up the inheritance

  The Challenge

    When developing an object class that will be used by different people
    for different purposes, I find myself drawn to solutions in which a
    minimal base class provides the shared behavior they all need, and a
    collection of subclasses provides layers of additional functionality.

    For example, consider a text templating framework, which might be
    separated into several elements:

    *   a base class, which provides methods to convert marked-up text into
        runnable code,

    *   an extension which enhances security by runing the code in a Safe

    *   an extension which feeds output through an HTML-escaping filter, and

    *   an extension which records internal profiling data for benchmarking

    (See Text::MicroMason for an example of this design.)

  A Bad Approach

    A naive implementation of this might use a subclass for each behaviour,
    and look like the following:

                        |   Base  |
           v                 v                 v
      +---------+       +---------+       +---------+
      |Benchmark|       |  Filter |       |   Safe  | @ISA=qw(Base)
      +---------+       +---------+       +---------+

    The well-known problem with this implementation appears when you want to
    combine several features:

                        |   Base  |
           v                 v                 v
      +---------+       +---------+       +---------+
      |Benchmark|       |  Filter |       |   Safe  | @ISA=qw(Base)
      +---------+       +---------+       +---------+
                             |                 |
                               | Safe_Filter | @ISA=qw(Filter Safe)

    This is the dreaded "diamond inheritance" problem: if Base provides a
    compile() method, which Filter and Safe each override to perform
    additional actions before or after calling SUPER::compile(), how can we
    ensure they are all called in the correct sequence?

  A Good Approach

    The standard software engineering solution is to replace the use of
    inheritance with decomposition into several different classes of
    objects, which then cooperate through decoration and delegation; for
    example, using separate classes for a resolver, a lexer, a parser, a
    compiler, and an output channel. (See HTML::Mason for an example of this

    Indeed, composition is an underutilized design technique, and there are
    many times when inheritance is not the best tool to use. But of course,
    in Perl there's more than one way to solve this problem, one of which is
    facilitated by this distribution.

  A Different Approach

    We can rearrange our class hierarchy to avoid diamond inheritance by
    using a base and a collection of mixin classes, which don't directly
    inherit from the base class:

      +---------+       +---------+       +---------+       +---------+
      |Benchmark|       |  Filter |       |   Safe  |       |   Base  | 
      +---------+       +---------+       +---------+       +---------+
                             |                 |                 |
                                        | Safe_Filter | @ISA=qw(Filter 
                                        +-------------+     Safe Base)

    However, in this condition our mixin classes can't call SUPER methods at
    all! Instead, another redispatch mechanism is needed, one that is able
    to back-track through the inheritance tree and explore other branches.
    (See the NEXT manpage for such an implementation.)

    The order in which mixins are stacked is significant, so the caller does
    need to have some understanding of how their behaviors interact. For
    example, you'd typically want to ensure that the Benchmarking mixin was
    the first in the chain, so that it could time everything later in the

  This Distribution

    The Class::MixinFactory distribution provides serveral elements to
    facilitate tihs kind of dynamic mixin architecture. The top level
    package is just a facade that loads the other necessary classes and
    provides a few import options for compile-time convenience. (See the
    Class::MixinFactory manpage.)

    To generate an object with some combination of mixins, you first use a
    mixin factory to generate a mixed class. If a class with that
    combination of classes has already been created, it is reused. You can
    add a factory method to your base class, create a separate factory
    object, or inherit to produce a factory class. (See the
    Class::MixinFactory::Factory manpage.)

    To allow mixin classes to redispatch to subsequent classes, all mixed
    classes also inherit from a class which provides a NEXT() method. (If
    you would prefer, your mixin class can alternately use the AUTOLOAD
    solution provided by the NEXT::ACTUAL module from CPAN, or any other
    equivalent re-dispatch mechanism.) (See the Class::MixinFactory::NEXT

    There are number of other modules on CPAN that also support mixins,
    method importing, or run-time multiple inheritance, while others don't
    use mixins but are addressing a similar area of concern.

    *   The mixin, Class::Mixin, and Spiffy modules support mixin classes
        but don't have a configurable factory object or support run-time
        mixin selection.

    *   The Class::Mix and Class::Mutator modules provide run-time class
        generation with multiple inheritance, but don't provide a
        configurable factory object or a redispatch technique.

    *   The Class::Factory module has a factory interface, but doesn't
        support multiple inheritance.

    *   The NEXT module provides a backtracking equivalent to SUPER similar
        to the NEXT method included here, but uses AUTOLOAD rather than a
        universal method.

    *   The Class::Delegate and other modules support decoration to address
        this problem via decomposition.

    *   The Class::Role, Class::Roles and Class::Trait modules support
        composing shared behaviors into your class.

    This is version 0.92.

    Elements of the interface remain open to change.

    This module is new and relatively untested.

    Please report any problems you encounter to the author at the below

    This module should work with any version of Perl 5, without platform
    dependencies or additional modules beyond the core distribution.

    You should be able to install this module using the CPAN shell

      perl -MCPAN -e 'install Class::MixinFactory'

    Alternately, you may retrieve this package from CPAN
    ("") or from the author's site

    After downloading the distribution, follow the normal procedure to
    unpack and install it, using the commands shown below or their local
    equivalents on your system:

      tar xzf Class-MixinFactory-*.tar.gz
      cd Class-MixinFactory-*
      perl Makefile.PL
      make test && sudo make install

    If you have questions or feedback about this module, please feel free to
    contact the author at the below address. Although there is no formal
    support program, I do attempt to answer email promptly.

    I would be particularly interested in any suggestions towards improving
    the documentation, correcting any Perl-version or platform dependencies,
    as well as general feedback and suggested additions.

    Bug reports that contain a failing test case are greatly appreciated,
    and suggested patches will be promptly considered for inclusion in
    future releases.

    To report bugs via the CPAN web tracking system, go to
    "" or send
    mail to "", replacing "#" with "@".

    If you've found this module useful or have feedback about your
    experience with it, consider sharing your opinion with other Perl users
    by posting your comment to CPAN's ratings system

    For more general discussion, you may wish to post a message on PerlMonks
    ("") or on the
    comp.lang.perl.misc newsgroup

    Developed by Matthew Simon Cavalletto at Evolution Softworks. You may
    contact the author directly at "" or
    "", replacing "#" with "@".

    Custom development and technical consulting are available at
    "". More free Perl software is available at

    My sincere thanks to the Perl Monks community for their feedback on
    earlier versions of this commentary.

    Copyright 2004 Matthew Simon Cavalletto.

    You may use, modify, and distribute this software under the same terms
    as Perl.