RTx::Tags - Tag Cloud support for RT with simple-searchable custom

    This module uses portions of HTML::TagCloud to provide a tag cloud on
    Search/Simple.html The cloud consists of the values (split on commas,
    semi-colons and whitespace) for all objects with the `Tags' custom

    In addition to the cloud, this module provides support for Simple
    Searchable Custom Fields witha Local overlay. An explanation of this
    feature is also shown on Search/Simple.html

    #   Install HTML::TagCloud

    #   Install this module i.e; extract to local/plugins/RTx-Tags & amend to include *RTx::Tags* to `@Plugins'.

        These first steps may be accomplished via CPAN(PLUS) with

    #   No patching necessary! If you've previously applied
        SearchCustomField from the wiki or email list, or installed version
        0.021 of this module, it is recomended that you revert the patch. No
        harm will come from not doing so, but it's best to keep RT core
        files vanilla where possible.

    #   Create a custom field named `Tags'. The recommended type is *Enter
        one value* with *Applies to Tickets*. The recommended Description is
        *Freeform annotation for ready searching*.

    #   Apply the Custom Field to the desired queue(s).

    #   Optionally add *TagCloud* to `$HomepageComponents' in if you would like users to have the ability to
        display a Tag Cloud on the front page, and not just the Simple
        Search page.

    *   Due to limitations in the available callbacks, the CF search blurb
        and tags cloud are output before the core search mechanism blurbs on
        Simple Search; postform is ugly.

    *   Due to limitations in the available callbacks, every page links to
        cloud.css, which has also been hard-coded to 26 levels.

    *   Due to the mechanism used to implement the CF search, the presence
        of another Search/ will likely not result in
        behavior you desire. Should you wish to make further local
        customizations, either modify this module's code, or use

    The same terms as perl itself.