NAME Bundle::Devel - A bundle to install the main set of Email:: modules SYNOPSIS "perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Devel'" CONTENTS Email::Address - An email address Email::MIME::Encodings - Profiling tool Email::MIME::ContentType - Another profiler Email::MessageID - A message ID Email::Simple - THE core Email module Email::Date - Parse and generate dates Module::Pluggable - Needed by Email::Abstract Email::Abstract - Email conversion and compatibility Email::MIME - MIME-based emails Email::Simple::Headers - Working with headers Email::Simple::Creator - Create simple emails Email::MIME::Modifier - Modify MIME emails Email::MIME::Creator - Create MIME emails Net::SMTP - For Email::Send::SMTP, the most common after Email::Send::Sendmail Email::Send - Send emails Email::Send::Test - Testing applications that use Email::Send Email::FolderType - Determine the type of a mail folder Email::FolderType::Net - Determine the type of mail folder for Net-based protocols Email::LocalDelivery - Deliver an email locally Email::Folder - Read all the emails in a folder File::Type - Used by Email::Stuff for file attachments File::Slurp - Used by Email::Stuff for file attachments Email::Stuff - Quickly generate and send emails DESCRIPTION Email:: distributions are intended to be small and tight, with a specific purpose, and easily installed and loaded only as the bits are needed. Which means that there's a whole bunch of them, all seperate. Bundle::Email installs pretty much all of the main Email modules that don't have giant cascading dependencies, like Email::Store (which is a Class::DBI-based thing). SUPPORT All bugs should be filed via the CPAN bug tracker at <> For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the author. AUTHORS Adam Kennedy (Maintainer), <>, COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004 Adam Kennedy. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.