########################## # XML/SMART VERSION 0.01 # ########################## XML::Smart - A Smart, easy and powerful way to access/create XML files/data. ############### # DESCRIPTION # ############### This module has an easy way to access/create XML data. It's based on the HASH tree that is made of the XML data, and enable a dynamic access to it with the Perl syntax for Hashe and Array, without needing to care if you have a Hashe or an Array in the tree. In other words, each point in the tree work as a Hash and Array at the same time! ** See POD for documentation and examples! ################ # INSTALLATION # ################ To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ################ # DEPENDENCIES # ################ Object::MultiType -> I made this module specially for XML::Smart, but can be used in others too ;-P. ########## # AUTHOR # ########## Graciliano M. P. <gm@virtuasites.com.br> I will appreciate any type of feedback (include your opinions and/or suggestions). ;-P ############# # COPYRIGHT # ############# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.