NAME Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment - Checkout via Ipayment Silent Mode VERSION Version 0.06 DESCRIPTION This module provides an interface for online payments via gateway, using the IPayment silent mode ( It supports payments, capture and reverse operations, and vault-related functions. SYNOPSIS use Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment; my %account = ( accountid => 99999, trxuserid => 99998, trxpassword => 0, adminactionpassword => '5cfgRT34xsdedtFLdfHxj7tfwx24fe', app_security_key => 'testtest', wsdl_file => $wsdl_file, success_url => '', failure_url => '', hidden_trigger_rul => '', ); my $secbopi = Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment->new(%account); $secbopi->transaction(transactionType => 'preauth', trxAmount => 5000); # see Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Transaction for available options $response = $ua->post('', { ipayment_session_id => $secbopi->session_id, addr_name => "Mario Pegula", silent => 1, cc_number => "4111111111111111", cc_checkcode => "", cc_expdate_month => "02", trx_securityhash => $secbopi->trx_securityhash, cc_expdate_year => "2014" }); ACCESSORS Fixed values (accountData and processorUrls) The following attributes should and can be set only in the constructor, as they are pretty much fixed values. wsdl_file The name of th WSDL file. It should be a local file. accountid The Ipayment account id (the one put into the CGI url). Integer. trxuserid The application ID, you can in your ipayment configuration menu read using Anwendung > Details. Integer trxpassword For each application, there is an application password which automatically ipayment System is presented. The password consists of numbers. You will find the application password in your ipayment Anwendungen > Details This is not the account password! adminactionpassword The admin password. This is not the account password! app_security_key If this attribute is set, we will (and shall) send a checksum for the parameters. Without this, we are opened to tampering accountData Accessor to retrieve the hash with the account data details. The output will look like this: accountData => { accountid => 99999, trxuserid => 99999, trxpassword =>0, adminactionpassword => '5cfgRT34xsdedtFLdfHxj7tfwx24fe'} success_url Mandatory (for us) field, where to redirect the user in case of success. CGI-Name: `redirect_url' *In silent mode, the parameters are always passed by GET to the script.* (no need to `redirect_action') failure_url Mandatory (for us) field, where to redirect the user in case of failure. CGI Name: `silent_error_url' Data type: String This URL is more in case of failure of ipayment system with the error information and parameters using the GET method. This URL must point to a CGI script that can handle the paramaters. hidden_trigger_url Optional url for the hidden trigger. processorUrls Return the hashref with the defined urls error This accessors point to a XML::Compile::SOAP backtrace. The object is quite large and deeply nested, but it's there just in case we need it. debug Every call to session id stores the trace into this attribute. trx_obj Attribute to hold a Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Transaction object transaction Constructor for the object above. All the argument are passed verbatim to the Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Transaction constructor, then the object is stored. METHODS session_id This is the main method to call. The session is not stored in the object, because it can used only once. So calling session_id will send the data to the SOAP service and retrieve the session key. raw_response_hash Debug for the arguments passed to IPayment::Return; capture($ret_trx_number, $amount, $currency, $opts) Charge an amount previously preauth'ed. `$amount' and `$currency' are optional and may be used to charge partial amounts. `$amount' and `$currency' follow the same rules of `trxAmount' and `trxCurrency' of Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Transaction (no decimal, usually multiply by 100). The last optional argument should be a hashref with additional parameters to pass to transactionData (notably shopperId). datastorage_op($datastorage_id) After calling `transaction', if you have a valid datastorage id, you may want to use that instead of creating a session and use the form. This method will do a SOAP request to the Ipayment server, using the transaction details provided in the call to `transaction', and do the requested operation. So far it's supported preauth and auth. The capture and other operations should be done via its own method (which don't require the datastorage, but simply the previous transaction's id). expire_datastorage($id) Given the storage id passed as argument, expire it. Keep in mind that expiring it multiple times returns always true, so the return code is not really interesting. It returns 0 if the storage didn't exist. reverse($ret_trx_number) Release the amount previously preauth'ed, passing the original transaction number. No partial amount can be released, and will succeed only if no charging has been done. refund($ret_trx_number, $amount, $currency, $opts) Refund the given amount. Please note that we have to pass the transaction number of the capture, not the `preauth' one. The last optional argument should be a hashref with additional parameters to pass to transactionData (notably shopperId). SOAP specification Name: createSession Binding: ipaymentBinding Endpoint: SoapAction: createSession Input: use: literal namespace: message: createSessionRequest parts: accountData: transactionData: transactionType: paymentType: options: processorUrls: Output: use: literal namespace: message: createSessionResponse parts: sessionId: Style: rpc Transport: SECURITY trx_securityhash If we have a security key, we trigger the hash generation, so we can double check the result. CGI Name: `trx_securityhash' Data type: string, maximum 32 characters Security hash of CGI command concatenating Id, amount, currency, password, Transaction Security Key (should be set in the configuration menu using ipayment). The hash is `trxuser_id', `trx_amount', `trx_currency', `trxpassword' and the *transaction security key*. md5_hex($trxuser_id . $trx_amount . $trx_currency . $trxpassword . $sec_key); perl -e 'use Digest::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; print md5_hex("99998" . 5000 . "EUR" . 0 . "testtest"), "\n";' # => then in the form <input type="hidden" name="trx_securityhash" value="db4812171baef817dec0cd56c0f5c8cd"> UTILITIES get_response_obj($rawuri) or get_response_obj(%params) To be sure the transaction happened as aspected, we have to check this back. Expected hash: Success: 'ret_transtime' => '08:42:05', 'ret_transtime' => '08:42:03', 'ret_errorcode' => '0', 'ret_errorcode' => '0', 'redirect_needed' => '0', 'redirect_needed' => '0', 'ret_transdate' => '14.03.13', 'ret_transdate' => '14.03.13', 'addr_name' => 'Mario Pegula', 'addr_name' => 'Mario Rossi', 'trx_paymentmethod' => 'VisaCard', 'trx_paymentmethod' => 'AmexCard', 'ret_authcode' => '', 'ret_authcode' => '', 'trx_currency' => 'EUR', 'trx_currency' => 'EUR', 'ret_url_checksum' => 'md5sum', 'ret_param_checksum' => 'md5sum', 'ret_ip' => '', 'ret_ip' => '', 'trx_typ' => 'preauth', 'trx_typ' => 'preauth', 'ret_trx_number' => '1-83443831', 'ret_trx_number' => '1-83443830', 'ret_status' => 'SUCCESS', 'ret_status' => 'SUCCESS', 'trx_paymenttyp' => 'cc', 'trx_paymenttyp' => 'cc', 'trx_paymentdata_country' => 'US', 'trx_amount' => '5000', 'trx_amount' => '1000', 'ret_booknr' => '1-83443831', 'ret_booknr' => '1-83443830', 'trxuser_id' => '99998', 'trxuser_id' => '99999', 'trx_remoteip_country' => 'DE' 'trx_remoteip_country' => 'DE' Returns a Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Response object, so you can call ->is_success on it. This is just a shortcut for Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Response->new(%params); with `my_security_key' and `my_userid' inherited from the fixed values of this class. ipayment_cgi_location Returns the correct url where the customer posts the CC data, which is simply:<Account-ID/processor/2.0/> Additional information country Country code of the cardholder of the current Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment::Transaction object Being these information transaction specific, if a transaction has not been initiated, the method will not do anything nor will return anything. UK will be translated to GB, and EI to IE. TESTING Test credit card numbers can be found here: AUTHOR Marco Pessotto, `<melmothx at>' BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to `bug-business-onlinepayment-ipayment at', or through the web interface at ayment. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) ment * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Stefan Hornburg (Racke) `' for the initial code, ideas and support. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2014 Marco Pessotto. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.