================================================================ Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Arnar M. Hrafnkelsson. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Anthony Cook. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. A test font, FT2/fontfiles/MMOne.pfb contains Postscript code copyrighted by Adobe. See adobe.txt for license information. ================================================================ >> THIS SOFTWARE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER << If you like or hate Imager, please let me know by sending mail to tonyc@cpan.org - I love feedback. ================================================================ ======================== 1. Patent infringements? ======================== Imager as such contains no patented algorithms. The external libraries (which are not written by me) may or may not contain patented algorithms. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING LICENSE(S) TO USE SUCH LIBRARIES SHOULD YOU NEED ANY. ======================== 2. Compiling and testing ======================== For details on the this process, including library and platform specific details, see Imager::Install, either by using: perldoc lib/Imager/Install.pod or at: http://imager.perl.org/docs/Imager/Install.html The basic installation process is similar to most other CPAN modules: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ======================= 3. General information ======================= The Imager module homepage is currently at: http://imager.perl.org/ You can report bugs by pointing your browser at: https://github.com/tonycoz/imager/issues ======================== 4. Thanks ======================== Thanks go to: Tony Cook ( TonyC ) Claes Jacobson ( Claes ) Philip Gwyn ( Leolo ) Michael Slade ( Micksa ) ( Cogent ) Brad Murray ( HalfJack ) Nicholas Dronen ( Veblen ) Michael G Schwern ( Schwern ) Rocco Caputo ( Dngor ) Graham barr ( Gbarr ) Mark-Jason Dominus ( Mjd ) Jerome Jason Alexander ( Jalex ) Randal R. Schwartz ( Merlyn ) Tkil ( ) Artur Bergman ( Sky ) Luc St-Louis ( Lucs ) PerlJam ( ) Roderick Schertler ( Roderick ) Nathan Torkington ( gnat ) Gabriel Vasseur kmx Nicolas Roggli Justin Davis Maurice Height Krzysztof WojtaĆ David Cantrell Eleneldil G. Arilou Slaven Rezic Richard Fairhurst Nikita Dedik (and just to play it safe) all those I forgot to mention.