# NAME Net::OpenStack::Swift - Perl Bindings for the OpenStack Object Storage API, known as Swift. # SYNOPSIS use Net::OpenStack::Swift; my $sw = Net::OpenStack::Swift->new( auth_url => 'https://auth-endpoint-url/v2.0', user => 'userid', password => 'password', tenant_name => 'project_id', # auth_version => '2.0', # by default ); my ($storage_url, $token) = $sw->get_auth(); my ($headers, $containers) = $sw->get_account(url => $storage_url, token => $token); # or, storage_url and token can be omitted. my ($headers, $containers) = $sw->get_account(); # DESCRIPTION Perl Bindings for the OpenStack Object Storage API, known as Swift. Attention!! Keystone authorization is still only Identity API v2.0. # METHODS ## new Creates a client. - auth\_url Required. The url of the authentication endpoint. - user Required. - password Required. - tenant\_name Required. tenant name/project - auth\_version Optional. still only 2.0 (Keystone/Identity 2.0 API) ## get\_auth Get storage url and auth token. my ($storage_url, $token) = $sw->get_auth(); response: - storage\_url Endpoint URL - token Auth Token ## get\_account Show account details and list containers. my ($headers, $containers) = $sw->get_account(marker => 'hoge'); - maker Optional. - end\_maker Optional. - prefix Optional. - limit Optional. ## head\_account Show account metadata. my $headers = $sw->head_account(); ## post\_account Create, update, or delete account metadata. ## get\_container Show container details and list objects. ## head\_container Show container metadata. ## put\_container Create container. my $headers = $sw->put_container(container_name => 'container1') - container\_name ## post\_container Create, update, or delete container metadata. ## delete\_container Delete container. ## get\_object Get object content and metadata. open my $fh, ">>:raw", "hoge.jpeg" or die $!; my $etag = $sw->get_object(container_name => 'container1', object_name => 'hoge.jpeg', write_code => sub { my ($status, $message, $headers, $chunk) = @_; print $status; print length($chunk); print $fh $chunk; }); - container\_name - object\_name - write\_code Code reference ## head\_object Show object metadata. my $headers = $sw->head_object(container_name => 'container1', object_name => 'hoge.jpeg'); ## put\_object Create or replace object. my $file = 'hoge.jpeg'; open my $fh, '<', "./$file" or die; my $headers = $sw->put_object(container_name => 'container1', object_name => 'hoge.jpeg', content => $fh, content_length => -s $file); - content String or FileHandle ## post\_object Create or update object metadata. ## delete\_object Delete object. my $headers = $sw->delete_object(container_name => 'container1', object_name => 'hoge.jpeg'); # Debug To print request/response Debug messages, $ENV{LM\_DEBUG} must be true. example $ LM_DEBUG=1 carton exec perl test.pl # SEE ALSO http://docs.openstack.org/developer/swift/ http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/ # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR masakyst <masakyst.public@gmail.com>