Date::ICal - Perl extension for ICalendar date objects.

    $Revision: 1.69 $

        use Date::ICal;

        $ical = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19971024T120000' );
        $ical = Date::ICal->new( epoch => time );
        $ical = Date::ICal->new( year => 1964,
            month => 10, day => 16, hour => 16,
            min => 12, sec => 47, tz => '0530' );

        $hour = $ical->hour;
        $year = $ical->year;

        $ical_string = $ical->ical;
        $epoch_time = $ical->epoch;

        $ical2 = $ical + $duration;

    (Where $duration is either a duration string, like 'P2W3DT7H9M', or a
    Date::ICal::Duration (qv) object.

        $ical += 'P6DT12H';

        $duration = $ical1 - $ical2;
        $ical3 = $ical1 - $duration;

    Date::ICal talks the ICal date format, and is intended to be a base
    class for other date/calendar modules that know about ICal time format

    See for details

    Rich Bowen, and the Reefknot team (www.reefknot)

    Last touched by $Author: rbowen $

    Date::ICal has the following methods available:


    A new Date::ICal object can be created with any valid ICal string:

        my $ical = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19971024T120000' );
        # will default to the timezone specified in $TZ, see below

    Or with any epoch time:

        my $ical = Date::ICal->new( epoch => time );

    Or, better still, create it with components

        my $date = Date::ICal->new( 
                               day => 25, 
                               month => 10, 
                               year => 1066,
                               hour => 7,
                               min => 15,
                               sec => 47

    If you call new without any arguments, you'll get a Date::ICal object
    that is set to the time right now.

        my $ical = Date::ICal->new();

    If you already have an object in Date::ICal, or some other subclass
    thereof, you can create a new Date::ICal (or subclass) object using that
    object to start with. This is particularly useful for converting from
    one calendar to another:

       # Direct conversion from Discordian to ISO dates
       my $disco = Date::Discordian->new( disco => '12 Chaos, YOLD 3177' );
       my $iso = Date::ISO->new( $disco );
       print $iso->iso;

    new() handles timezones. It defaults times to UTC (Greenwich Mean Time,
    also called Zulu). If you want to set up a time that's in the US
    "Pacific" timezone, which is GMT-8, use something like:

        my $ical = Date::ICal->new( ical => '19971024T120000',
                                    offset => "-0800");
    Note that as of version 1.44, new() tries to be intelligent about
    figuring out your local time zone. If you enter a time that's not
    *explicitly* in UTC, it looks at the environment variable $TZ, if it
    exists, to determine your local offset. If $TZ isn't set, new() will


        $ical_string = $ical->ical;

    Retrieves, or sets, the date on the object, using any valid ICal
    date/time string. Output is in UTC (ends with a "Z") by default. To get
    output in localtime relative to the current machine, do:

        $ical_string = $ical->ical( localtime => 1 );

    To get output relative to an arbitrary offset, do:

        $ical_string = $ical->ical( offset => '+0545' );


        $epoch_time = $ical->epoch;
        $ical->epoch( 98687431 );

    Sets, or retrieves, the epoch time represented by the object, if it is
    representable as such. (Dates before 1971 or after 2038 will not have an
    epoch representation.)

    Internals note: The ICal representation of the date is considered the
    only authoritative one. This means that we may need to reconstruct the
    epoch time from the ICal representation if we are not sure that they are
    in synch. We'll need to do clever things to keep track of when the two
    may not be in synch. And, of course, the same will go for any subclasses
    of this class.


        $seconds_plus_or_minus = offset_to_seconds($offset);
    Changes -0600 to -21600. Not object method, no side-effects.


        $seconds_plus_or_minus = offset_from_seconds($offset_in_seconds);
    Changes -18000 (seconds) to -0600 (hours, minutes). Not object method,
    no side-effects.


        $offset = $ical->offset;
        # We need tests for these.  
        $ical->offset( '+1100' ); # a number of hours and minutes: UTC+11
        $ical->offset( 0 );       # reset to UTC

    Sets or retrieves the offset from UTC for this time. This allows
    timezone support, assuming you know what your local (or non-local) UTC
    offset is. Defaults to 0.

    Internals note: all times are internally stored in UTC, even though they
    may have some offset information. Offsets are internally stored in
    signed integer seconds.

    BE CAREFUL about using this function on objects that were initialized
    with an offset. If you started an object with:

        my $d = new(ical=>'19700101120000', offset=>'+0100'); 

    and you then call:

    you'll be saying "Yeah, I know I *said* it was in +0100, but really I
    want it to be in +0200 now and forever." Which may be your intention, if
    you're trying to transpose a whole set of dates to another timezone---
    but you can also do that at the presentation level, with the ical()
    method. Either way will work.


        $self->add( year => 3, month => 2, week => 1, day => 12,
                    hour => 1, minute => 34, sec => 59 );
        $date->add( duration => 'P1WT1H1M1S' ); # add 1 wk, 1 hr, 1 min, and 1 sec

    Adds a duration to a Date::ICal object.

    Supported paraters are: duration, eom_mode, year, month, week, day,
    hour, min, sec or seconds.

    'duration' is a ICalendar duration string (see duration_value).

    If a value is undefined or omitted, 1 is assumed:

        $ical->add( 'minute' ); # add a minute

    The result will be normalized. That is, the output time will have
    meaningful values, rather than being 48:73 pm on the 34th of

    Adding months or years can be done via three different methods,
    specified by the eom_mode parameter, which then applies to all additions
    (or subtractions) of months or years following it in the parameter list.

    The default, eom_mode => 'wrap', means adding months or years that
    result in days beyond the end of the new month will roll over into the
    following month. For instance, adding one year to Feb 29 will result in
    Mar 1.

    If you specify eom_mode => 'limit', the end of the month is never
    crossed. Thus, adding one year to Feb 29, 2000 will result in Feb 28,
    2001. However, adding three more years will result in Feb 28, 2004, not
    Feb 29.

    If you specify eom_mode => 'preserve', the same calculation is done as
    for 'limit' except that if the original date is at the end of the month
    the new date will also be. For instance, adding one month to Feb 29,
    2000 will result in Mar 31, 2000.

    All additions are performed in the order specified. For instance, with
    the default setting of eom_mode => 'wrap', adding one day and one month
    to Feb 29 will result in Apr 1, while adding one month and one day will
    result in Mar 30.


        $date = $date1 + $duration;

    Where $duration is either a duration string, or a Date::ICal::Duration

        $date += 'P2DT4H7M';

    Adds a duration to a date object. Returns a new object, or, in the case
    of +=, modifies the existing object.


    Given a duration string, this function returns the number of days,
    seconds, and months represented by that duration. In that order. Seems
    odd to me. This should be considered an internal function, and you
    should expect the API to change in the very near future.


      $duration = $date1 - $date2;

    Subtract one Date::ICal object from another to give a duration - the
    length of the interval between the two dates. The return value is a
    Date::ICal::Duration object (qv) and allows you to get at each of the
    individual components, or the entire duration string:

        $d = $date1 - $X;

    Note that $X can be any of the following:

    If $X is another Date::ICal object (or subclass thereof) then $d will be
    a Date::ICal::Duration object.

        $week = $d->weeks; # how many weeks apart?
        $days = $d->as_days; # How many days apart?

    If $X is a duration string, or a Date::ICal::Diration object, then $d
    will be an object in the same class as $date1;

        $newdate = $date - $duration; 


        $copy = $date->clone;

    Returns a replica of the date object, including all attributes.


        $cmp = $date1->compare($date2);

        @dates = sort {$a->compare($b)} @dates;

    Compare two Date::ICal objects. Semantics are compatible with sort;
    returns -1 if $a < $b, 0 if $a == $b, 1 if $a > $b.


        my $day = $date->day;

    Returns the day of the month.

    Day is in the range 1..31


        my $month = $date->month;

    Returns the month of the year.

    Month is returned as a number in the range 1..12


        my $year = $date->year;

    Returns the year.


        ($year, $month, $day) = jd2greg( $jd );

        Convert number of days on or after Jan 1, 1 CE (Gregorian) to
        gregorian year,month,day.


        $jd = greg2jd( $year, $month, $day );

        Convert gregorian year,month,day to days on or after Jan 1, 1 CE
        (Gregorian).  Normalization is performed (e.g. month of 28 means
        April two years after given year) for month < 1 or > 12 or day < 1
        or > last day of month.


      $yday = Date::ICal::days_this_year($day, $month, $year);

    Returns the number of days so far this year. Analogous to the yday
    attribute of gmtime (or localtime) except that it works outside of the


        my $day_of_week = $date->day_of_week

    Returns the day of week as 0..6 (0 is Sunday, 6 is Saturday).


        my $hour = $date->hour

    Returns the hour of the day.

    Hour is in the range 0..23


        my $min = $date->min;

    Returns the minute.

    Minute is in the range 0..59


        my $sec = $date->sec;

    Returns the second.

    Second is in the range 0..60. The value of 60 is (maybe) needed for leap
    seconds. But I'm not sure if we're going to go there.


      my $jd = $date->jd;

    Returns a listref, containing two elements. The date as a julian day,
    and the time as the number of seconds since midnight. This should not be
    thought of as a real julian day, because it's not. The module is
    internally consistent, and that's enough.

    This method really only is here for compatibility with previous
    versions, as the jd method is now thrown over for plain hash references.

    See the file INTERNALS for more information about this internal format.

    - add gmtime and localtime methods, perhaps?
    - Fix the INTERNALS file so that it actually reflects reality
    Please see the file INTERNALS for discussion on the internals.

    Rich Bowen (DrBacchus)

    And the rest of the Reefknot team. See the source for a full list of
    patch contributors and version-by-version notes.

SEE ALSO mailing list



    Date::ICal::Duration - durations in iCalendar format, for math purposes.

    $Revision: 1.61 $

        use Date::ICal::Duration;

        $d = Date::ICal::Duration->new( ical => '-P1W3DT2H3M45S' );

        $d = Date::ICal::Duration->new( weeks => 1, 
                                        days => 1,
                                        hours => 6,
                                        minutes => 15,
                                        seconds => 45); 

        # a one hour duration, without other components
        $d = Date::ICal::Duration->new( seconds => "3600"); 

        # Read-only accessors:

        # TODO: Resolve sign() discussion from rk-devel and update synopsis.
        $d->as_seconds ();   # returns just seconds
        $d->as_elements ();  # returns a hash of elements, like the accessors above
        $d->as_ical();       # returns an iCalendar duration string
    This is a trivial class for representing duration objects, for doing
    math in Date::ICal

    Rich Bowen, and the Reefknot team (

    Last touched by $Author: rbowen $

    Date::ICal::Duration has the following methods available:


    A new Date::ICal::Duration object can be created with an iCalendar
    string :

        my $ical = Date::ICal::Duration->new ( ical => 'P3W2D' );
        # 3 weeks, 2 days, positive direction
        my $ical = Date::ICal::Duration->new ( ical => '-P6H3M30S' );
        # 6 hours, 3 minutes, 30 seconds, negative direction
    Or with a number of seconds:

        my $ical = Date::ICal::Duration->new ( seconds => "3600" );
        # one hour positive

    Or, better still, create it with components

        my $date = Date::ICal::Duration->new ( 
                               weeks => 6, 
                               days => 2, 
                               hours => 7,
                               minutes => 15,
                               seconds => 47,
                               sign => "+"

    The sign defaults to "+", but "+" and "-" are legal values.

  sign, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds

    Read-only accessors for the elements of the object.


    Returns the duration in raw seconds.

    WARNING -- this folds in the number of days, assuming that they are
    always 86400 seconds long (which is not true twice a year in areas that
    honor daylight savings time). If you're using this for date arithmetic,
    consider using the *add()* method from a the Date::ICal manpage object,
    as this will behave better. Otherwise, you might experience some error
    when working with times that are specified in a time zone that observes
    daylight savings time.


        $days = $duration->as_days;

    Returns the duration as a number of days. Not to be confused with the
    "days" method, this method returns the total number of days, rather than
    mod'ing out the complete weeks. Thus, if we have a duration of 33 days,
    "weeks" will return 4, "days" will return 5, but "as_days" will return

    Note that this is a lazy convenience function which is just weeks*7 +


    Return the duration in an iCalendar format value string (e.g.,


    Returns the duration as a hashref of elements.


    Internally, we store 3 data values: a number of days, a number of
    seconds (anything shorter than a day), and a sign (1 or -1). We are
    assuming that a day is 24 hours for purposes of this module; yes, we
    know that's not completely accurate because of daylight-savings-time
    switchovers, but it's mostly correct. Suggestions are welcome.

    NOTE: The methods below SHOULD NOT be relied on to stay the same in
    future versions.

  _set_from_ical ($self, $duration_string)

    Converts a RFC2445 DURATION format string to the internal storage

  _parse_ical_string ($string)

    Regular expression for parsing iCalendar into usable values.

  _set_from_components ($self, $hashref)

    Converts from a hashref to the internal storage format. The hashref can
    contain elements "sign", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds".

  _set_from_ical ($self, $num_seconds)

    Sets internal data storage properly if we were only given seconds as a


    Return an arrayref to hours, minutes, and second components, or undef if
    nsecs is undefined. If given an arrayref, computes the new nsecs value
    for the duration.


    Return an arrayref to weeks and day components, or undef if ndays is
    undefined. If Given an arrayref, computs the new ndays value for the