File-Rsync - A wrapper module for rsync(1)

Copyright (C) 2000-2016 Lee Eakin.  All rights reserved.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Arg order is now preserved!  Hopefully this provides better funtionality and
more flexibility, and doesn't break anyone's code.  Passing a hash reference is
now deprecated, but forcing options to be a hash reference should restore old
behavior if needed (option order not preserved, but source and dest are always
the last 2 args).

Windows is also now supported!  See Changelog for details and credits.

Updated to use $PATH environment variable to find rsync instead of hard-coding
in the module since prompting breaks automatic builds and most modren systems
should have rsync installed by now.  It can be overridden using path-to-rsync
at run time.

Although I am the original author and maintainer, many of the bug fixes and
improvements have come as either suggestions or patches from the perl
community.  The contributors names can be found near the end of the POD doc,
and full credits can be found in the Changelog file.
There have been many helpful people making this a much better module than
I could ever write on my own.


   Install rsync if you haven't already.

   Build/test/install File::Rsync

      perl Makefile.PL
      make test
      make install

   Once installed you can use 'perldoc File::Rsync' to get the rest of the
   documentation.  Or if you'd prefer to examine the docs before installation
   try 'perldoc -F'.

This module is an attempt to efficiently handle the possibly numerous arguments
to the rsync command, and it's error conditions and messages.