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App::Greple::xlate - translation support module for greple


    greple -Mxlate::deepl --xlate pattern target-file


**Greple** **xlate** module find text blocks and replace them by the
translated text.  Currently only DeepL service is supported by the
**xlate::deepl** module.

If you want to translate normal text block in [pod](https://metacpan.org/pod/pod) style document,
use **greple** command with `xlate::deepl` and `perl` module like

    greple -Mxlate::deepl -Mperl --pod --re '^(\w.*\n)+' --all foo.pm

Pattern `^(\w.*\n)+` means consecutive lines starting with
alpha-numeric letter.  This command show the area to be translated.
Option **--all** is used to produce entire text.

    <img width="750" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaz-utashiro/App-Greple-xlate/main/images/select-area.png">

Then add `--xlate` option to translate the selected area.  It will
find and replace them by the **deepl** command output.

By default, original and translated text is printed in the conflict
marker format compatible with [git(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/git).  Using `ifdef` format, you
can get desired part by [unifdef(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/unifdef) command easily.  Format can be
specified by **--xlate-format** option.

    <img width="750" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kaz-utashiro/App-Greple-xlate/main/images/format-conflict.png">

If you want to translate entire text, use **--match-entire** option.
This is a short-cut to specify the pattern matches entire text


- **--xlate**

    Invoke the translation process for each matched area.

    Without this option, **greple** behaves as a normal search command.  So
    you can check which part of the file will be subject of the
    translation before invoking actual work.

    Command result goes to standard out, so redirect to file if necessary,
    or consider to use [App::Greple::update](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple%3A%3Aupdate) module.

- **--xlate-engine**=_engine_

    Specify the translation engine to be used.  You don't have to use this
    option because module `xlate::deepl` declares it as

- **--xlate-to** (Default: `JA`)

    Specify the target language.  You can get available languages by
    `deepl languages` command when using **DeepL** engine.

- **--xlate-format**=_format_ (Default: conflict)

    Specify the output format for original and translated text.

    - **conflict**

        Print original and translated text in [git(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/git) conflict marker format.

            <<<<<<< ORIGINAL
            original text
            translated Japanese text
            >>>>>>> JA

        You can recover the original file by next [sed(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/sed) command.

            sed -e '/^<<<<<<< /d' -e '/^=======$/,/^>>>>>>> /d'

    - **ifdef**

        Print original and translated text in [cpp(1)](http://man.he.net/man1/cpp) `#ifdef` format.

            #ifdef ORIGINAL
            original text
            #ifdef JA
            translated Japanese text

        You can retrieve only Japanese text by the **unifdef** command:

            unifdef -UORIGINAL -DJA foo.ja.pm

    - **space**

        Print original and translated text separated by single blank line.

    - **none**

        If the format is `none` or unkown, only translated text is printed.

- **--**\[**no-**\]**xlate-progress** (Default: True)

    See the tranlsation result in real time in the STDERR output.

- **--xlate-fold**
- **--xlate-fold-width**=_n_ (Default: 70)

    Fold converted text by the specified width.  Default width is 70 and
    can be set by **--xlate-fold-width** option.  Four columns are reserved
    for run-in operation, so each line could hold 74 characters at most.

- **--match-entire**

    Set the whole text of the file as a target area.


**xlate** module can store cached text of translation for each file and
read it before execution to eliminate the overhead of asking to
server.  With the default cache strategy `auto`, it maintains cache
data only when the cache file exists for target file.  If the
corresponding cache file does not exist, it does not create it.

- --xlate-cache=_strategy_
    - `auto` (Default)

        Maintain cache file if it exists.

    - `create`

        Create empty cache file and exit.

    - `always`, `yes`, `1`

        Maintain cache anyway as far as the target is normal file.

    - `never`, `no`, `0`

        Never use cache file even if it exists.

    - `accumulate`

        By default behavior, unused data is removed from cache file.  If you
        don't want to remove them and keep in the file, use `accumulate`.
- --xlate-batch-update

    Update cache for all non-existent data in batch mode.  This is much
    more efficient than normal operation.



    Set your authentication key for DeepL service.


- [https://github.com/DeepLcom/deepl-python](https://github.com/DeepLcom/deepl-python)

    DeepL Python library and CLI command.

- [App::Greple](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple)

    See the **greple** manual for the detail about target text pattern.
    Use **--inside**, **--outside**, **--include**, **--exclude** options to
    limit the matching area.

- [App::Greple::update](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple%3A%3Aupdate)

    You can use `-Mupdate` module to modify files by the result of
    **greple** command.


Kazumasa Utashiro


Copyright ©︎ 2023 Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.