# NAME Term::GnuScreen::WindowArrayLike - window list is operated like Array # SYNOPSIS use Term::GnuScreen::WindowArrayLike; my $screen = Term::GnuScreen::WindowArrayLike->new; $screen->insert; $screen->insert(3); $screen->push; $screen->compact; # .screenrc # push is [C-t l p] escape ^Tt bind l command -c window_array_like bind -c window_array_like p exec perl -e 'use Term::GnuScreen::WindowArrayLike; Term::GnuScreen::WindowArrayLike->new->push' # DESCRIPTION Term::GnuScreen::WindowArrayLike operates screen window list using Array method. # METHODS ## new(\\%opts) Constructor. ## push Add window to the end of a list. ## insert($window\_number) A window is inserted in the given number. Before inserting window, as for window number not less than the given number, 1 is added. The current window number becomes a default value when not giving a number. ## compact Reassign sequential numbers. # LICENSE Copyright (C) tokubass. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR tokubass <tokubass@cpan.org>