#! /bin/sh ############################################################################# # Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, M. Gerrits (etmmger@etm.ericsson.se) # Copyright (C) 1999, A. Verhoeven (pe1icq@amsat.org) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ############################################################################# # # This SlackBuild script is derived from Marcel Gerrits' mger-pkgtools-2.3a # mger-pkgtools can be found in ftp://sharon.esrac.ele.tue.nl/pub/linux/slackware/ # # script version 1.1 # # ChangeLog: # 1.0: Derived from mger-pkgtools-2.3a # 1.1: Added GPL, and minor cosmetic updates after deskcheck MGER. # Files: # Package Package File # PackageFiles List of files in the package # SymbolicLinks List of symbolic links in the system # SystemList.After System list after program installation # SystemList.Before System list before program installation # SystemList.Diff Differences between system lists # make.log Logging of stdout/stderr of make install # reply Result of various checks # Set initial variables: if [ "$TMP" = "" ]; then TMP=/tmp fi TarBall=ax25-apps-0.0.4.tar.gz # Change as needed PackageName=ax25-apps-0.0.4 # Change as needed BuildDir=$TMP/$PackageName SourceDir=`pwd` KeepTmpFiles=0 SkipScan=0 SearchPath="/bin /etc /lib /sbin /usr /var" #SearchPath="/bin /boot /dev /etc /lib /opt /sbin /usr /var" #SearchPath="/tmp/try" TempDir=/tmp/SlackBuild.$$ if [ $# -gt 0 ] then case $1 in --help) echo "Syntax: `basename $0` [] [retry_PID]" echo "Options: --keep keep temp files in /tmp/SlackBuild." echo "if retry_PID is specified, SlackBuild will try to use the" echo "data in /tmp/SlackBuild. instead of scanning the" echo "system again." echo "If ./doinst.sh exists, it will be run as default installation" echo "script. If you don't want to use that script, rename it first." exit 0;; --keep) KeepTmpFiles=1;; *) if [ ! -d /tmp/SlackBuild.$1 ] then echo "Cannot find directory /tmp/SlackBuild.$1" exit 1 fi TempDir=/tmp/SlackBuild.$1 SkipScan=1 esac fi ########################################################################## # Cleanup() # Clean up all temporary filed (if cmd-line option --keep not specified) ########################################################################## Cleanup(){ if [ ! ${KeepTmpFiles} -eq 1 ] then rm -rf ${TempDir} rm -rf ${BuildDir} else echo "Leaving temporary files in ${TempDir}" echo "Leaving source tree in ${BuildDir}" fi } trap Cleanup 0 1 2 3 # Cleanup on exit of program automatically # Cleanup # Cleanup before we start mkdir -p ${TempDir} mkdir -p ${BuildDir} ########################################################################## # Exit() # Exit program with code $2, cleanup temporary files, print message $1 ########################################################################## Exit(){ clear # Clear screen Cleanup # Cleanup temp files echo -e "$1" # Print message on screen exit $2 # Exit program } ########################################################################## # FindChanges() # Finding changes... # Find differences between the list files, sort on filename # > = added files, # < = removed files, # if a file is listed twice, once with > and once with <, then it is changed # Sort differences on filename ########################################################################## FindChanges(){ echo "Analyzing file lists..." diff ${TempDir}/SystemList.Before ${TempDir}/SystemList.After | egrep "^(>|<)" | sort +5 -o ${TempDir}/tmp gawk 'BEGIN{ LState = LFile = LLine = ""; } # Line = (>|<) CD CT TD TT mode size name # $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 function ShowFile() { if (LState != "") if (LState == "<") printf("Deleted: %s\n", LLine); else printf("Added: %s\n", LLine); } { State = $1; # State is < or > File = $8; # File = filename Line = $8 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $7; if (File == LFile) { printf("Changed: %s\n", Line); LFile = LState = LLine = ""; } else { ShowFile(); LFile = File; LState = State; LLine = Line; } } END { ShowFile(); } ' ${TempDir}/tmp > ${TempDir}/SystemList.Diff } ########################################################################## # PackageIt() # Ask for Package Name and Package Description, Verify package,... ########################################################################## PackageIt(){ echo ${PackageName}$1 > ${TempDir}/PackageName PackageDescription="Package ${PackageName}$1 (`date '+%Y,%b %d'`)" # Create package header in ${TempDir}/Package echo "" | gawk -v PKGName="${PackageName}$1" -v PKGDesc="${PackageDescription}" -v PKGDate="`date '+%Y, %b %d'`" ' BEGIN { printf("PACKAGE NAME: %s\n", PKGName); printf("COMPRESSED PACKAGE SIZE: 0 K\n"); printf("UNCOMPRESSED PACKAGE SIZE: 0 K\n"); printf("PACKAGE LOCATION: source\n"); printf("PACKAGE DESCRIPTION:\n"); printf("%-9.9s %s\n", PKGName ":", PKGDesc); printf("%-9.9s\n", PKGName ":"); printf("%-9.9s Package created %s with makeinstall\n", PKGName ":", PKGDate); printf("%-9.9s makeinstall created by M. Gerrits (etmmger@etm.ericsson.se)\n", PKGName ":") printf("FILE LIST:\n"); } { } ' > ${TempDir}/Package # Create list of added/changed files to package file list egrep "^(Added|Changed) *: " ${TempDir}/SystemList.Diff | cut -f2 -d' ' | sort > ${TempDir}/PackageFiles # Check if symbolic links point to files in the package echo "Checking symbolic links..." # Create List of symbolic links gawk -v ReplyFile="${TempDir}/reply" 'BEGIN { LinkNr=0; } function CheckLink(LinkName) { Scanned=""; while ( Link[LinkName] in Link) { if (match(Scanned, " " LinkName)) return "Cyclic"; Scanned=Scanned " " LinkName; LinkName=Link[LinkName]; } return Link[LinkName]; } { if ($8 != "") { # This is a relative symlink if (substr($8,1,1)!="/") { LinkName=$7 gsub("/[^/]*$","", LinkName); $8=LinkName "/" $8 while (gsub("/[^/]*/\\.\\.","",$8)); while (gsub("/\\./","/",$8)); # $8 = full path of symlink } Link[$7] = $8; LinkNr++; } } END { Depth=0; for (i in Link) printf("%s %s\n", i, CheckLink(i)); printf("%d", LinkNr) > ReplyFile; }' ${TempDir}/SystemList.After > ${TempDir}/SymbolicLinks NumLinks="`cat ${TempDir}/reply`" echo "Checking symbolic links... (${NumLinks} found)" # Check which symlinks point to files in the package gawk 'BEGIN { } { if (match(FILENAME, "SymbolicLinks")) { Link[$1] = $2; next; } for (i in Link) if (Link[i] == $1) printf("%s\n", i); } END { } ' ${TempDir}/SymbolicLinks ${TempDir}/PackageFiles >> ${TempDir}/Package # Merge filelist and package header egrep -v "/var/(log|run|spool/mail/)" ${TempDir}/PackageFiles >> ${TempDir}/Package echo "Edit this package list" if [ "${DISPLAY}" = "" ] then vim -f ${TempDir}/Package else gvim -f ${TempDir}/Package fi echo "Installing this package list" if [ ! `whoami` = root ] then cp ${TempDir}/Package ${HOME}/${PackageName}$1.package echo -e "You (`whoami`) must be root to install the\npackage list in /var/adm/packages.\nCopy left in \$HOME/${PackageName}$1.package" Exit "Not root" 1 fi cp ${TempDir}/Package /var/adm/packages/${PackageName}$1 echo "Package list ${PackageName}$1 installed in /var/adm/packages/${PackageName}$1" ########################################################################## # strip files and create .tgz file ########################################################################## cd $SourceDir ./strippkg ${PackageName}$1 ./pkg2tgz ${PackageName}$1 } ########################################################################## # Untar source and make program ########################################################################## cd $BuildDir tar zxvf $SourceDir/$TarBall cd $PackageName echo "############## configure ###################" ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var echo "############## make ###################" make if [ ${SkipScan} -eq 0 ] then ########################################################################## # Making list of files on system (before install)... # Store last status date&time, last modification date&time, mode, size, name ########################################################################## echo "Creating system file list (1)..." find ${SearchPath} -fprintf ${TempDir}/tmp "%CD %CT %TD %TT %04m %10s %p %l\n" 2>/dev/null sort +6 ${TempDir}/tmp -o ${TempDir}/SystemList.Before ########################################################################## # Install the program ########################################################################## echo "############## make install ###################" make install mkdir -p /usr/doc/ax25-apps cp AUTHORS /usr/doc/ax25-apps cp ChangeLog /usr/doc/ax25-apps cp NEWS /usr/doc/ax25-apps cp README /usr/doc/ax25-apps ########################################################################## # Making list of files on system (after install)... ########################################################################## echo "Creating system file list (2)..." find ${SearchPath} -fprintf ${TempDir}/tmp "%CD %CT %TD %TT %04m %10s %p %l\n" 2>/dev/null sort +6 ${TempDir}/tmp -o ${TempDir}/SystemList.After fi # End of skip scanning... FindChanges PackageIt ########################################################################## # Making list of files on system (before installconf)... # Store last status date&time, last modification date&time, mode, size, name ########################################################################## echo "Creating system file list (3)..." find ${SearchPath} -fprintf ${TempDir}/tmp "%CD %CT %TD %TT %04m %10s %p %l\n" 2>/dev/null sort +6 ${TempDir}/tmp -o ${TempDir}/SystemList.Before ########################################################################## # Install the config files ########################################################################## echo "############## make installconf ###################" cd $BuildDir cd $PackageName make installconf ########################################################################## # Making list of files on system again (after installconf)... ########################################################################## echo "Creating system file list (4)..." find ${SearchPath} -fprintf ${TempDir}/tmp "%CD %CT %TD %TT %04m %10s %p %l\n" 2>/dev/null sort +6 ${TempDir}/tmp -o ${TempDir}/SystemList.After FindChanges PackageIt -cfg Exit done 0