--- title: "Metadata" author: "William K. Morris" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{4. Metadata} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- Much of the information in the FinBIF database consists of metadata that helps provide context for occurrence records and other information in FinBIF. ## General metadata You can see some of the metadata available in `{finbif}` by calling the `finbif_metadata` function without any arguments. ```r finbif_metadata() ```
Click to show/hide output. ```r #> metadata_name #> 1 regulatory_status #> 2 red_list #> 3 country #> 4 region #> 5 bio_province #> 6 municipality #> 7 bird_assoc_area #> 8 finnish_occurrence_status #> 9 habitat_type #> 10 habitat_qualifier #> 11 life_stage #> 12 record_basis #> 13 restriction_level #> 14 restriction_reason #> 15 sex_category #> 16 source #> 17 taxon_rank ```

Calling `finbif_metadata()` and specifying one of the metadata categories will display a `data.frame` with the requested metadata. ```r finbif_metadata("red_list") ```
Click to show/hide output. ```r #> code name #> MX.iucnCR CR Critically Endangered #> MX.iucnDD DD Data Deficient #> MX.iucnEN EN Endangered #> MX.iucnEX EX Extinct #> MX.iucnEW EW Extinct in the Wild #> MX.iucnLC LC Least Concern #> MX.iucnNT NT Near Threatened #> MX.iucnNA NA Not Applicable #> MX.iucnNE NE Not Evaluated #> MX.iucnRE RE Regionally Extinct #> MX.iucnVU VU Vulnerable ```

## Special cases Some more complex metadata is accessed with other `{finbif}` functions ### Informal groups Informal taxonomic groups and their relationships can be displayed with `finbif_informal_groups()` ```r finbif_informal_groups(limit = 2) #> Algae #> --Macro algae #> --Brown algae and yellow green algae #> --Green algae #> --Red algae #> --Stoneworts #> Birds #> --Birds of prey and owls #> --Birds of prey #> --Owls #> --Waterbirds #> ...137 more groups ``` You can select a subgroup by specifying a parent informal group as a function argument. ```r finbif_informal_groups("Crustaceans") #> Crustaceans #> --Macrocrustaceans #> --Amphipods, isopods, opossum shrimps #> --Crabs, shrimps and crayfishes #> --Other macrocrustaceans #> --Woodlice #> --Microcrustaceans #> --Branchiopoda #> --Copepods #> --Seed shrimps ``` ## Collections Another special case of metadata is `finbif_collections()`. Collections are the highest level of record aggregation in the FinBIF database. You can subset collection metadata by using the `filter` and `select` arguments. ```r finbif_collections( filter = geographic_coverage == "Finland", select = c("collection_name", "taxonomic_coverage", "count") ) ```
Click to show/hide output. ```r #> collection_name taxonomic_coverage count #> HR.1227 Priv. coll. Mikko Heikkinen Biota 62 #> HR.1349 JYV - Fungal collections 13477 #> HR.1350 JYV - Lichen collections 608 #> HR.1351 JYV - Bryophyte collections 8367 #> HR.1467 Per-Eric Grankvist´s butterly co… Lepidoptera 5 #> HR.1487 JYV - Fish collections 1371 #> HR.1507 Lingonblad Birger och Hjördis bu… Lepidoptera 2796 #> HR.157 Point counts of breeding terrest… Birds, landbirds 393361 #> HR.1592 Herbarium of The Ark Nature Cent… 7871 #> HR.1687 Papilionoidea of Coll. Lauro Papilionoidea 550 #> HR.1688 Noctuidae I of Coll. Lauro Noctuidae 614 #> HR.1689 Noctuidae II of Coll. Lauro Noctuidae 839 #> HR.1690 Noctuidae III, Bombycoidea, Sphi… Noctuidae, Bombycoidea, Geometri… 521 #> HR.1691 Drepanidae & Geometridae of Coll… Drepanidae, Geometridae 1408 #> HR.175 National Finnish butterfly monit… Lepidoptera 450525 #> HR.1916 Wildlife triangle Siberian flying squirrel (Pterom… 18560 #> HR.200 Finnish Insect Database Insecta 3725381 #> HR.2009 Fish observation data from the n… invasive alien fish species - mu… 35582 #> HR.2049 Invasive alien species control Invasive species 1502 #> HR.206 The Finnish Nature League's Spri… biota 119323 #> HR.2089 Håkan Lindberg collection Hymenoptera 2435 #> HR.209 Atlas of Finnish Macrolepidoptera Macrolepidoptera 1218555 #> HR.2129 Fungal atlas fungi 116519 #> HR.2209 KUO Arachnida collection Arachnida 3 #> HR.2289 Specimens that lack collecting i… 109 #> HR.2691 Luomus line transect censuses of… Aves 628987 #> HR.2692 Censuses of breeding birds - Are… Aves 14963 #> HR.3051 VieKas LIFE project invasive spe… 1545 #> HR.3071 Observing species on milk farms 529 #> HR.3211 iNaturalist Suomi Finland biota 691050 #> HR.3491 LajiGIS: Aquatic species survey Biota 643837 #> HR.3553 LajiGIS: Species monitoring sites Biota 731965 #> HR.3671 Bird of prey nests for protection Aves 13323 #> HR.3691 eBird Aves 1100308 #> HR.3791 Invasive species observations Biota 3268 #> HR.39 Winter Bird Census Aves, Mammalia 1483842 #> HR.3911 Bumblebee census Bumblebees 29949 #> HR.3991 Waterbird counts, Luomus dataset Aves 39236 #> HR.3992 Waterbird counts, Luke dataset 2… Aves 30145 #> HR.4011 Salmonidae in streams Salmonidae 12630 #> HR.4051 LajiGIS: Species monitoring site… Aquila chrysaetos; Haliaeetus al… 8669 #> HR.4091 Retkikasvio 84 #> HR.4131 Butterflies in Finnish agricultu… Papilionoidea, Others 356987 #> HR.4191 Porvoo Museum / Butterfly Collec… Lepidoptera 10417 #> HR.4251 LajiGIS: Species mapping and sur… Biota 490816 #> HR.435 Löydös Open Invasive Species Obs… Biota 19232 #> HR.4352 NFI rare tree species 995 #> HR.4412 Tiira.fi: The Fourth Breeding Bi… Aves 329445 #> HR.4471 4th Finnish Bird Atlas 2022–2025… Aves 165551 #> HR.4511 Finnish National Moth Monitoring Bombycoidea, Noctuoidea, Sphingi… 1156373 #> HR.4611 Observations by FCG Finnish Cons… 462 #> HR.4612 Pollinator monitoring, line tran… Insecta 7885 #> HR.4672 Observations from publications Biota 127 #> HR.4711 Flying squirrel monitoring Pteromys volans 2509 #> HR.4991 Bird atlas observations manually… Aves 6620 #> HR.5095 Dragonfly complete lists Odonata 29 #> HR.5155 Observations from electronic sou… Biota 1372 #> HR.5196 Pollinator monitoring, pan traps Insecta 5688 #> HR.5235 Finnish butterflies - complete l… Lepidoptera, Papilinoidea 21 #> HR.5236 Charismatic flowering plants - c… Tracheophyta 277 #> HR.60 Monitoring scheme of birds and m… Aves, Mammalia 874130 #> HR.627 Alien mammal species observation… Invasive alien mammal species – … 3094 #> HR.808 E. Sjöholm´s butterfly collection Lepidoptera 4951 #> HR.847 Atlas of amphibians and reptiles… Amphibia, Reptilia 6690 ```

By default, `finbif_collections()` only displays the lowest level collections. Higher level, "supercollections" can be viewed by setting `supercollections = TRUE` and you can limit the output to collections with a minimum number of records in them with the `nmin` argument. ``` r collections <- finbif_collections(supercollections = TRUE, nmin = 10000) ``` The `finbif_collections()` function returns a `data.frame` where the row names are the ID number of the collection. ```r finbif_collections(supercollections = TRUE)["HR.128", "collection_name"] ```
Click to show/hide output. ```r #> Collections of the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus ```

You can see the child collections of a supercollection by specifying the ID as a filter. Note that the children of supercollections may also be supercollections. ```r finbif_collections(is_part_of == "HR.128", supercollections = TRUE) ```
Click to show/hide output. ```r #> collection_name abbreviation description online_url has_children is_part_of data_quality #> HR.129 Collections of… H Herbarium … TRUE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> HR.160 Zoological col… MZH The collec… http://ww… TRUE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> HR.173 Zoological mon… Monitoring… TRUE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> HR.1849 Genomic resour… Genomic re… TRUE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> HR.203 Löydös Open Fi… A service … https://l… FALSE HR.128 #> HR.435 Löydös Open In… A service … https://l… FALSE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> HR.447 Hatikka.fi obs… Hatikka.fi… http://ha… FALSE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> HR.48 Ringing and re… TIPU Dataset co… TRUE HR.128 MY.dataQual… #> methods collection_type taxonomic_coverage geographic_coverage temporal_coverage #> HR.129 MY.collectionT… #> HR.160 MY.collectionT… Animalia World 1700 to present #> HR.173 MY.collectionT… Finland 1950- #> HR.1849 Sampling… MY.collectionT… Biota World 2000- #> HR.203 MY.collectionT… biota world 2013- #> HR.435 MY.collectionT… Biota Finland 2015- #> HR.447 MY.collectionT… Biota World #> HR.48 MY.collectionT… Aves Ringing data: Finl… 1913- #> secure_level count #> HR.129 2 #> HR.160 MX.secureLe… 742 #> HR.173 5160221 #> HR.1849 1 #> HR.203 39375 #> HR.435 19232 #> HR.447 2010032 #> HR.48 12910437 ```