0.0.5 * initial posting onto CRAN * Includes binIRT(), ordIRT(), dynIRT(), and hierIRT() models 0.0.6 * Changes for final APSR conditional accept * Added networkIRT() and poisIRT() functions with documentation * Added Pablo's data with example code to Twitter model, along with documentation * Added German manifesto data with example code to Wordfish model, along with documentation * binIRT() in 2D is now disabled: This is something longer-term for Jonathan to take another look at * Error in ordIRT() documentation noted by Jason Wu fixed * Bootstrap function boot_emIRT() added * Changelog added 0.0.7 * Maintainer changed from jameslo@princeton.edu to lojames@usc.edu * OpenMP in Windows now works properly with fixed Makevars.win * Per Max Goplerud, we discovered the poisIRT() fixed effect terms were flipped. Output is simply reversed in estimate_poisIRT() at end to keep consistency with paper, see comment 0.0.8 *"Cut and Paste" documentation issues fixed in dynIRT() and hierIRT() 0.0.9 * replace PI with M_PI in calcLB() for STRICT_R_HEADERS by default * commented part of ordIRT() example, as it crashes on Solaris (and only on Solaris) * Switched useDynLib(emIRT) to useDynLib(emIRT, .registration=TRUE) for R_registerRoutines and R_useDynamicSymbols, added init.c 0.0.11 * binIRT() now sets asEM=TRUE by default * getEx() line overwriting 'A' changed to fix problem identified by Larry Rothenberg, Jinhee Jo, and Kyoungwon Seo. This issue would lead to some situations where the posterior likelihood would not improve at each iteration 0.0.12 * documentation error fixed