CHANGES in 0.2.10 (2024-09-11) * Remove plotrix from dependencies * Move coda, fields, raster, sp, spdep to suggests CHANGES in 0.2.9 (2023-08-21) * Ken Kellner takes over as Maintainer * `RandomFields` removed from suggests * Old versions of `simExpCorrRF`, `simDynoccSpatial`, and `simPPe` can be found in `inst/RandomFieldsSupport`; see the corresponding help files for how to access these functions from within R. CHANGES in 0.2.8 (2022-12-01) * Bump version number. CHANGES in 0.2.7 (2022-11-16) * Andy Royle takes over as Maintainer. CHANGES in 0.2.6 (2022-05-05) * `RandomFields` moved to Suggests; when not available, use package `fields` in functions `simExpCorrRF`, `simDynoccSpatial` and `simPPe`. CHANGES in 0.2.5 (2022-04-20) * New functions added: `simOccCat`, `simIDS`, `simHDSpoint` (an enhanced version of `simHDS(type="point",...)`). * Description and contents (in AHMbook-package.Rd) modified to allow inclusion of simulation functions not in the books. * Fixed: warnings when no animals detected in `simOcc` and `simOccCat` are now meaningful. * Fixed: `simComm` now includes the simulated covariates `habitat` and `wind` in the output. * Fixed: `pi` replaced with `utils::pi` where appropriate. * The stop-gap function `modSelFP` has been removed, as `unmarked::modSel` now works for FP models. CHANGES in 0.2.3 (2021-05-16) * Fixed: "data length differs..." warning in zinit.Rd Examples (thanks to Prof Ripley's report). * The stop-gap function `modSelFP` is deprecated, as `unmarked::modSel` now works for FP models. * Updated URL for `SwissMarbledWhite` data set. * Minor corrections to help files. * Additional information added to the Descriptions of `simHDS*` functions. CHANGES in 0.2.2 (2020-10-26) * Removed insecure URL. CHANGES in 0.2.1 (2020-10-24) * Changed publication date of AHM2 to 2021 everywhere in help files. * `simDSM` now returns `Ucap`, needed for plotting Fig.11.17 p.AHM2/710. * Added data wrangling code to `SwissMarbledWhite` help file. * Added check for plotting error to all `sim*` functions; numeric output is still produced even if plotting fails. * Functions `simDynoccSpatial`, `simPPe` and `simSpatialDSline` get a `show.plots` argument. * Added `simFrogDisease` function. CHANGES in 0.2.0 (2020-06-05) * Added simulation functions for AHM vol 2: `simNpc`, `simPOP`, `simPH`, `simDM0`, `simDM`, `simMultMix`, `simCJS`, `simDemoDynocc`, `simDM`, `simDynOccSpatial`, `simExpCorrRF`, `simOccSpatial`, `simNmixSpatial`, `simPPe`, `simDataDK`, `simSpatialDSline`, `simSpatialDSte`, `simDSM`. * Added data sets for AHM vol 2: `BerneseOberland`, `crestedTit`, `cswa`, `crossbillAHM`, `duskySalamanders`, `EurasianLynx`, `FrenchPeregrines`, `greenWoodpecker`, `HubbardBrook`, `MesoCarnivores`, `spottedWoodpecker`, `SwissAtlasHa`, `SwissEagleOwls`, `SwissMarbledWhite`, `treeSparrow`, `UKmarbledWhite`, `waterVoles`, `wigglyLine`, `willowWarbler`. * Added utility functions: `graphSSM`, `ch2marray`, `valid_data`, `modSelFP`, `getLVcorrMat`, `zinit`, `Color_Ramps`, `standardize`, `standardize2match`. * `e2dist` now has default `y = NULL`, when y <- x; now accepts length 2 vector for coordinates of a single point. * Authors and contributors now listed as `Authors@R` in DESCRIPTION file. * Added inst/COPYRIGHTS file. * Functions `playRN`, `sim3occ`, `simNmix`, `simOccttd` and `wigglyOcc` gain a `verbose` argument; if FALSE, Console output is suppressed. * Added note about `sample.kind="Rounding"` to help files for all simulation functions affected. * `wigglyOcc` now returns `x.index` and `p.ordered`, needed for plots on p.AHM1/623. * `image_scale` gets `cex.legend` argument. * Added input checks to all `sim*` functions. * Argument names `nsite`, `nyear`, `nsurvey`, `nvisit`, `nrep`, `nspec` changed to plural (`nsites`, etc) for all functions. * Changes to plots to make them more color-blind friendly. * Moved package `unmarked` from Depends to Imports. CHANGES in 0.1.4 (2017-05-19) * New "logit" detection function added to `sim.spatialDS` function, which corresponds to the model fitted in `unmarked::pcount.spDS` v.0.12.2; old "hazard" detection function removed. * Improvements to help pages and additional examples. * Fixed: argument `discard0` in `simHDS` now works as documented. * Fixed: bugs in `issj.sim` which produced errors with argument values other than those in the book; tidied up ambiguity in help page with `nsites` and `npoints`; added example. CHANGES in 0.1.3 (2017-04-20) * Function `count.spHDS` and predict methods for `unmarkedFit` objects have moved to the `unmarked` package v.0.12; AHMbook now Depends on `unmarked` (>=0.12). * Added the `MHB2014`, `SwissSquirrels`, `SwissTits`, `Finnmark`, `ttdPeregrine` and `wagtail` data sets; see the help pages for ways to use these instead of .csv files with the code in the book. * Removed default arguments for the coordinates in `map.Nmix.resi`, making it more generally useful. * Fixed: slew of warnings produced by `simNmix`, also dropping of dimensions with small numbers of individuals. * Added more examples to the help pages for simulation functions. CHANGES in 0.1.1 (2017-01-03) * Full help pages for all functions. * New names: `plot.Nmix.resi` -> `plot_Nmix_resi` and `image.scale` -> `image_scale`, to prevent clashes with R`s `plot` and `image` generic functions. * Fewer dependencies, and all checked when you load `AHMbook`: no more "there is no package called xxx" when you try to run a function. * Changes to the "histograms" of counts, using transparent colours when two counts are plotted together. * The `dragonfly` data have been tidied up; do `data(dragonfly)` before use. * New functions for Volume 2: `simDynocc` and `simDCM`. * The `jay` dataset has moved to `unmarked` package. * Fixed: bugs involving `logit`. * Fixed: `data.fn()` now corresponds to the code in section 4.3. * Fixed: `simHDSg("point", ...)`, `sim.spatialDS()` and `sim.spatialHDS()` now work. * Fixed: plotting functions now restore the settings of the graphics window on exit. * Note: `simComm("counts",...)`, `simHDStr("point",...)`, and `simHDSopen("point",...)` give slightly different results even with the same seed; all the other simulations give the same values as before when `set.seed()` is used.